Girls Homework Help and Peer to Peer Tutoring

Many girls return to their homes after school to do household chores, which does not leave a lot of time for homework or review. Also due to the school structure in Togo, many students have a hard time keeping up with curriculum or doing work assigned for home. A group that gets together during free period or after school that works on homework assignments and difficult concepts in a group is a great way to help girls keep on top of their studies.


If what you want to do in village is create a club for girls to tutor one other, then this project can help you put together and implement a club.


There are certain things that need to be planned and considered in order to have a girl’s homework and tutoring club. Use the below mentioned steps to make sure that your club is a success.

  • Who should you contact in village to help you initiate this project? Having a counterpart in village who feels strongly about your club, and is willing to partner with you to help implement it is important.
    • Possible Partner Suggestions:
      • Primary Homologue
      • Teacher
  • Choose the location of your club, picking a place that suites the specific needs of your club is important. Perhaps the school can give up a room for you to hold your club in.
  • Get the support of important members in the community for your club. You may need the permission of the school if you plan to have a club on school property, which means talking with your director and getting his/her “blessing” to have the club and use the school as a location.
  • Pick a date and time for your club. Whether you decide to meet monthly or weekly make sure you have a consistent date set. Also consider how busy your possible participants will be with house work, pick a day when they only have morning classes if you can. Make sure that your intended audience is actually available to attend your club.

Once you have tackled the above steps you are ready to start.


Homework clubs should work on a peer to peer level, have the girls decide the subjects they do well in and put them in charge of that tutoring session. In this way the girls can play to their strengths and offer help as well as have others in the group that can help them with their other subjects. A girl great at physics can help a girl who struggles with it, at the same time, that girl who is struggling in physics may be excellent at geography. She can use her expertise to help a girl weak in that subject.

What you do not want to do is end up doing all the tutoring or work for the girls, also making sure that your counterpart also takes a more hands-off approach to the club will make sure the girls are using each other as resources. However if everyone gets stuck, it is more than fine for you or your counterpart to step in and help out.

Monitoring and Evaluation

This is a critical step in a project and something that should be considered a part of every project large or small.

For a homework club, make sure to send around a sign in sheet that takes down the name and ages of all the participants, this info is crucial for volunteer reporting.

Seeing an improvement in your club member’s grade is really the best kind of evaluation of your clubs effectiveness.