Meet the Committee

From left, standing: Isaac, Chelsea, Molly, Funmi, Meave, Madame Rose — Crouching, Nana

About the committee​

The Gender and Development committee comprises a team of Peace Corps volunteers (PCVs) in Togo along with an advisor from admin who work towards the expansion of gender and development in Peace Corps Togo. This includes creating gender-focused events, funding gender-focused projects, and training PCVs on gender concerns specific to Togo. Since the committee is a PCV run committee, there is no official funding source that we tap into; thus, the committee is wholly funded through the generosity of our PCVs and their families, PC Togo Staff, US Embassy in Togo Staff, and Ex-Pats living in Togo. Through this small grants fund, the committee works to supplement gender and development activities that volunteers are doing throughout Togo. Additionally, during summer vacation, the committee uses a separately funded Vacation Enterprise Fund to create opportunities for students on vacation to gain entrepreneurial skills and make some money to support them during the school year.

Staff Advisor
Rose Kpomblekou-Nabine
Madame Rose is the APCD (Associate Peace Corps Director) for the English and Gender Education program in Peace Corps Togo and also the GAD liaison between the Peace Corps  Togo program and Peace Corps Washington.

General Coordinator
Nana Toure, Centrale Region, Sokode
Nana is a CHAMP (Community Health and Malaria Prevention) volunteer working in Sokode.

Programming Coordinator
Chelsea Clarke, Savannes Region, Koni
Chelsea is an EAFS (Environmental Action and Food Security) volunteer working in Koni up in the Savannes region of Togo.

Small Grants Fund Coordinator
Molly Ferguson, Plateau Region, Goudeve
Molly is a CHAMP (Community Health and Malaria Prevention) volunteer working in Goudeve, a beautiful village found in west Plateau region in Togo.

Vacation Enterprise Fund Coordinator
Funmi Owoloja, Kara region, Atchangbade
Funmi is a CHAMP (Community Health and Malaria Prevention) volunteer working in Atchangbade, a beautiful village only 10k west of Kara.

Communications Liaison
Isaac Giron, Plateau Region, Agbatitoe
Isaac is an EGE (English and Gender Education) volunteer working right along the national route in Agbatitoe found in the Plateau regioin of Togo.

Fundraising Liaison
Meave Otieno, Plateau Region, Danyi-N’Digbe
Meave is a CHAMP (Community Health and Malaria Prevention) volunteer working atop a beautiful mountain in a village called Danyi-N’Digbe also found in west Plateau region.

All committee members can be contacted via our email: