Men as Partners Formation at Sokode Prison and Incoming Generating Activity in Support of the Prisoners

The execution of this project involved the work and leadership of many partners including PCV Nana Toure and the YMCA in Sokode under the leadership of Messieurs Paylo Kpakpabia and Komi Dodji

The community of inmates both men and women at the Sokode prison are often forgotten. Even so, they’re still trying to learn trades on how to be financially independent. The female prisoners especially, represent a minority and vulnerable group at the prison and often do not have the means and support necessary to learn new trades. Thus, the purpose of this project was three tiered. Foremost, the project aimed  to build the women’s capacity and financial independence during their incarceration. Second, the project worked with the men at the prison on a men as partners formation focusing on the importance of including women. & third, with the help of a local artisan both the men and women established a collaboration to create a system of sale that would benefit all involved.

The artisan projects included making baskets, sculptures, jewelry, and knitwear.